King Koala and Litostudio present Chris Suspect “Finding the Extraordinary in Ordinary ”Street Photography WorkshopSeptember 26 – 30th | Milan, Italy

@Litostudio Milano, via Ripamonti 11 CLICK HERE! Join acclaimed photographer Chris Suspect in Milan, Italy, and take your street and documentary photography to the next level. Chris will review the basics of street photography, the differences between street and documentary work, and the history of street and documentary photography, including the work of the masters. … Read moreKing Koala and Litostudio present Chris Suspect “Finding the Extraordinary in Ordinary ”Street Photography WorkshopSeptember 26 – 30th | Milan, Italy


[…] interestingly, it was Matt’s passion for photography that eventually led him to become a successful promoter. He used to tell me, “I used to go to concerts to take pictures and people kept telling me that I couldn’t do that, or that I had to move, or I had to apply for passes. Since I speak English very well and know many of the bands personally, I decided to work in booking so I could shoot in peace!”


[…] interestingly, it was Matt’s passion for photography that eventually led him to become a successful promoter. He used to tell me, “I used to go to concerts to take pictures and people kept telling me that I couldn’t do that, or that I had to move, or I had to apply for passes. Since I speak English very well and know many of the bands personally, I decided to work in booking so I could shoot in peace!”